Żywiec sounds proud! We are building the city's tourist brand - welcome for consultations!

zaproszenie na konsultacje

Work on the Tourism Brand Strategy of the City of Żywiec is coming to an end. During many meetings and interviews, we asked, discussed and investigated. The topic is not easy, so the conversations were sometimes rough. But thanks to this, we learned the opinion of many people from the industry.
Today we warmly invite all residents to discuss the emerging strategy document together.
On September 11th at 5 p.m., consultations will be held on the Zoom platform, during which the results of the work will be presented.
We would love to hear your opinion!
Zoom meeting link: https://bit.ly/3ErR68a
Meeting ID: 812 1327 7964
Passcode: hEFJf7




Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/897-zywiec-sounds-proud-we-are-building-citys-tourist-brand-welcome